The jury members of the interior design competition for the Kooche magazine office has been announced
Hamidreza Mousavi along with Masoud Hatami, Mehdi Grami, Roshank Tehrani, and Reza Najafian were announced as judges for the interior design competition of the Kooche publication office. The deadline for submitting documents is 24:00 on the 11th of August 2023 and the date of announcing the results is the 12th of October 2023.
حمیدرضا موسوی به همراه، مسعود حاتمی، مهدی گرامی، روشنک طهرانی و رضا نجفیان به عنوان داوران مسابقه طراحی داخلی دفتر نشریه کوچه اعلام شدند. مهلت ارسال مدارک تا ساعت ۲۴ روز بیستم مرداد ماه سال ۱۴۰۲ و تاریخ اعلام نتایج بیستم مهر ماه سال ۱۴۰۲ است.