

«ما در نشا بیست‌ویک سال است که کارِ معماری و شهرسازی می‌کنیم. خودمان را از آن دسته حرفه‌مندانی می‌دانیم که به کارشان فکر می‌کنند. در هر طرح کوچک و بزرگ و بااهمیت و ظاهراً بی‌اهمیتی تلاش می‌کنیم فکری را تبدیل به کالبدی طراحانه کنیم. این تمرینی است هرروزه. همیشه موفق نمی‌شویم [...] اما در همه‌ی این تجارب چیزی مشترک هست و آن کوشش ماست برای ایجاد پیوندی روانْ میان اندیشه و کار؛ پیوندی که ناگزیر است. حاصلِ «کار» ما به‌صورت بناهای ساخته‌شده، فضاهای شهری، طرح‌های راهبردی و –خیلی وقت‌ها- پروپوزال‌های بی‌سرانجام «دیده می‌شود»، اما اندیشه‌های مؤثر در این کارها لزوماً -و به‌آسانی- از این طرح‌ها خواندنی نیستند. نشانوشت آن امکانی است که از طریقش وجوه نظری کارمان را مرور می‌کنیم و خوانده‌ها و آموخته‌های پروژ‌ها و مسابقه‌ها و جلسات و خلاصه همه‌ی کنش‌هایمان را مرتب می‌کنیم و گزارش می‌دهیم. معماران تا آخرین روز فعالیتشان باید درس پس بدهند. برای هر طرح جدی باید چیزهای زیادی را بخوانند و ببینند و تحلیل کنند و بعد در فرآیندی که شاید وجوهی از آن به توضیح درآمدنی نیست، همه‌ی این‌ها را به‌صورت یک طرح بیرون بریزند. در نشانوشت می‌کوشیم توضیح دهیم که از این خواندن‌ها و دیدن‌ها و اندیشیدن‌ها چه می‌فهمیم.»

بخشی از مقدمه‌ی جلد سوم از مجموعه‌کتاب‌های نشانوشت

We have been practicing architectural and urban planning work in Nesha for twenty-one years. We consider ourselves as professionals who think about their work. In every small and big, important and seemingly unimportant project, we try to transform a thought into a design. This is a daily practice. We do not always succeed… but there is something common in all these experiences, and that is our effort to create a smooth connection between thought and work; a bond that is inevitable. The result of our "work" is "seen" in the form of built environment, urban spaces, strategic plans and - many times – sterile proposals, but the effective ideas in these works are not necessarily - and easily - read from these plans. NeshaNevesht is the possibility through which we review the theoretical aspects of our work and arrange and report the readings and learnings of projects, competitions and meetings and in short, all of our actions. Architects must retake all kinds of exams until the last day of their activity. For any serious plan, they have to read, see, and analyze many things, and then in a process where some aspects of it may not be explained, they pour all of these out in the form of a design. In NeshaNevesht, we try to explain what we understand from these readings, observations and thoughts.

A part of the introduction to the third volume of the NeshaNevesht books collection

Basics of Spatial Design

Basics of Spatial Design

Ulrich Exner // Dietrich Pressel

Translated By: Dr. Shadi Azizi // Safoura Olanj

“Basics of spatial design” focuses on SPACE, as one of the key components of architecture, independent of functions and professional fields such as landscape architecture, urban designinterior design, etc.

As an important preface, this book discusses about different senses and personal experiences that help human beings perceive their surroundings. The book also focuses on a range of diverse spaces with various spatial classification and their relative components.

The essential basic principles of design of spaces, are described in the “spatial design parameters” chapter and there are objectivities by using personal design methods and real examples in the “spatial design elements and tools” chapter.

The author hopes to create a deeper perception of specific character of spaces and also provide methods which enable designers to be aware of their choices.

Basics of Design Ideas

Basics of Design Ideas

Bert Bielfeld // Sebastian El Khouli

Translated By: Dr. Shadi Azizi // Parisa Moghaddam

All architecture projects start from a search for a concept or an intuitive understanding of problem-solving.

Design concept is the start point of a long path which accurately defines, refines and extends the idea in order to solve the problems and meet the needs, it consecutively evaluates and rejects the results. The book exclusively concentrates on the beginning of this process which will have effect on the path and designing outcomes.

This book not only describes the diversity of approaches and effective resources of inspiration, but it tries to show ways to release creativity.

This book aims to encourage students to explore deeper contents and unique ideas. It deliberately avoids specific architectural styles and dogmatism. Subject of this book is simple yet complecated question, as follows:

How the initial idea develops?

Basics of Urban Analysis

Basics of Urban Analysis

The correct understanding of the city or urban spaces requires a familiarity with different fields of study that examine and analyze the numerous layers of the city. In other words, each action from architectural design to urban planning that has its basis in a shallow and incorrect understanding of the context of the city will only add to the problems of the city. Considering the necessity of the correct understanding and analysis of the city, this book, with its easy language, is a suitable guide for the students of architectureurban design, and urban planning. This book contains four chapters including theoretical principles of urban analysis, provisions and data collections, analysis and interpretation methods, and presentation which, in a comprehensive yet easy process, helps the students to find a correct understanding and analysis of their focused urban area.

Basics of Housing

Basics of Housing

This book, in the three chapters of “basic principles”, “life elements”, and “housing typology”, tries to explain the process of designing a house in an easy and understandable way. This book has also avoided dividing the space of a house into functional elements like bedroom, kitchen, etc. and instead it has described the elements of life like sleeping, eating, having leisure, etc. and talks about the necessary ideas for creating the space needed for these elements; which makes this one of the most important points of the book. This book in the chapter of “housing typology” introduces different types of houses in the western cities which although we might not find all of these in the Iranian cities, but the majority of them are applicable in Iran too, and from the others we can take ideas to create new forms. Most importantly, this book not only talks about different forms of housing, but in the second chapter it pays special attention to the interior of the house and the passage of life in it; something which is of utmost importance in housing design or a high-quality house. Even in the introduction of the chapter of “housing typology” it mentions the pros and cons of each form in terms of natural light, suitable air conditioning, view, and also personalization of the house.